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Hmm to me that a red flag

Started by CptSilva May 03rd, 2024 at 06:37
Standard membership
Posts: 4
May 03rd, 2024 at 06:37

Today I logged in here at clixtoo and got the bad news. Now I have been in the PTC business since 2013. ANd ya bro I have met the worse PTC sites and a small handful that I still use today because it pays and my I have a lot of rented refs. Ya I do not like direct refs. Tghey are to lazy for me. It boggles my mind how lazy a person can get. But thats not me, I am focused and I want to make money. So I stay away from direct refs, unless I find one like me, focused and determined to make money and a successful biz.

Back to that login news ads. It states that free members need to work until we reach $5 and wait 3-5 days for pay. I don't mind the 3-5 days but $5. This is a PTC site, where $5 will take about a year to reach. 

I am going to assume that admin is losing money here and about to ose his/her shirt. The reason why is I have seen this many times, and then one day site is not there anymore. Not saying this will be for sure with clixtoo, all i am sayin gis I am ready because I ahve sen this before many times. I hope I am wrong, but if admin comes here and tels me I am wrong does it hold that. am wrong because he/she that I am wrong? Look at togubux. I seen the scam on the second day, and the scvam wen to play once I hovered over the minimum pay. I got suspended while surfing. And the only thing admin asked me when I sent in a support ticket was "whats your username?" I eplied and never heard from him/her again, and now its a scam site, but in epay forum poll its in top 10 lol. A scam site in to top 10 of rankings lol. 

Admin I wish you luck, and I hope I am wrong. I really do like your site, but i think its not a good sign if you move that withdraw for free members to $5. 3-5 days wait is no problem for me at all, $5 is just to high.


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